7561001964 | 7012999376 | 0484-4860634


ASP.Net Expert4.6 (V Studio 2015)

Level l : ASP.NET 4.6 Course (using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015)
NET Platform

Explore NET Framework 4.6,Understand Common Language Runtime,Understand the role of CTS and CLS,Learn about Base Class Libraries,Explain the Difference between Managed Code and Unmanaged Code, Start exploring IDE-Visual Studio 2015 with added Features. CompareVS2015 to older versions

C# Programming

Working with Console Class (Input and Output),Learn how to create C# Data Type and Variable,Learn about Data Type Conversions,Working with Operators,Creating Conditional and Looping Constructs,working with Arrays and Array functions,Implementing Methods and Parameters,See how to use Named and Optional Parameters,Explain the Difference between Value Types and Reference Types,Learn how to implement String Handling

Object Oriented Programming

Creating Class and Object,Explore OOP Features with examples,Working with Constructor and Destructor,Learn about Modifiers and Access Specifies,Learn how to use Abstract Class and Interface,Developing Namespaces and Assemblies,Using Exception Handling,Working with File I/O Operations

C# Advanced Features

Working with Delegates and Events,Creating Collections and Generics,Learn about Language Integrated Query (LINQ),Create Private and Shared Assemblies,Explore Dynamic Types and DLR,Creating Processes and AppDomains,Threading and Multi-Threaded Application,Create and implement Object Serialization


HTML Basic Tags,Working with Table, List and Div,HTML Form Elements Describe HTML 5,creating canvas element for 2D drawing,creating video and audio elements for media playback Implement content-specific elements article, footer, header, nav, section,working with controls- calendar, date, time, email,Working with New Form Elements


CSS Basic Syntax,Creating External CSS,Learn how to use Selectors,Working with CSS properties.Define CSS3,Create Selectors,Use Box Model,Implement Backgrounds and Borders,Use Text Effects,Learn how to use 2D/3D Transformations,Implementing Animations,Working with Multiple Columns,Explore User Interface


Define JavaScript,Create and Manipulate Variables,Implement Functions,Learn how to use JavaScript Events,Developing Popup Boxes,Learn how to use Client Side Validation

ASP.NET Web Application Development

Understand Web Application Fundamentals,Creating Standard Web Controls and Events,Working with Navigation Controls Working with Rich Server Controls,working with Validation controls,Create Web User Control

State Management

Create and manipulate Managing Session ,Implementing View State,Create and manipulate Query Strings,Managing CookiesCreate and manipulate Managing Session ,Implementing View State,Create and manipulate Query Strings,Managing Cookies

Customizing Web Applications

Implementing Themes and Skins,Implementing Web User Control,Master Pages and Content Pages

Designing and Implementing Databases with MS SQL Server 2014

Introduction to RDBMS,Familiarizing SQL Server 2014,Creating Tables and Constraints,Implement Aggregate Functions, Order by and Group by,Join and Sub Query,Creating Stored Procedures,Backup, Restoring and Moving a database

Designing and Implementing Databases with MS SQL Server 2014

Introduction to RDBMS,Familiarizing SQL Server 2014,Creating Tables and Constraints,Implement Aggregate Functions, Order by and Group by,Join and Sub Query,Creating Stored Procedures,Backup, Restoring and Moving a database


Learn about Data Binding,Create Database Application (DataReader),Create Database Application (DataSet),Lean how to use XML and ADO.NET

Data Controls

Lean how to use GridView,Working with FormView, ListView and DeatilsView,Using DataList and DataPager controls,Working with Chart Control

Crystal Report

Install and Configure Crystal Report,Create Crystal Report in a Web Application,Export Crystal Report to different file format,Working with Charts


Learn about Ajax,Using Script Manager and Update Panel,Working with Ajax Controls,Lean how to use Ajax Control Toolkit,Implementing Ajax Extenders Introduction to Advanced technologies in ASP.NET Introduction to WCF and Silverlight,Introduction to Cloud computing (Windows Azure),Introduction to SharePoint Development

Level ll Advanced ASP. NET. 4.6 Course (using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015)
New Features in ASP.NET 4.6

Cross-platform mobile apps in C# with Xamarin for Visual Studio, Mobile apps in HTML/JavaScript with Apache Cordova. Cross-platform mobile games in C# with Unity, apps and libraries for native C++.Universal Windows apps for any Windows 10 device.Connect to Services like Azure Mobile Services, Azure Storage, Office 365 , Salesforce etc. XAML UI, IntelliSense, RyuJIT, a 64-bit Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler, Live Code analysis(light bulbs)-by Roslyn compiler, IDE improvements.


Introduction to Jquery,Implement JQuery in Web Application,Working with Jquery Events,Implementing Jquery UI


Syntax, Usage, XML in ASP.NET 4.6, Syntax, Uses of JSON, Characteristics, JSON in ASP.NETs

Angular JS

Introduction, Environment Setup, MVC Architecture, Directives, Expressions, Controllers, Filters, Tables, HTML DOM, Modules, Forms, Includes, AJAX, Views, Scopes, Services, Dependency Injection, Custom Directives, Internalization AngularJS- Applications- Notepad Application, Login Application, Upload File, Nav Menu, Switch Menu, Order Form, Search Tab, Cart Application, Translate Application, Chart, Maps, Weather, Share, Timer


Introduction to Bootstrap, Bootstrap Environment Setup, Bootstrap Grid System, Bootstrap CSS Overview, Responsive Design, Bootstrap Code, Bootstrap Tables, Forms, Buttons, Images and Icons, Drop down Menus, Buttons with Menus Tabs and Pills, Bootstrap Helper classes, Bootstrap Responsive utilities, Bootstrap Layout component, Bootstrap Plugins

Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

Working with LINQ to Dataset, Working with LINQ to SQL, Working with LINQ to XML


WCF Essentials, Address, Binding and Contract, WCF Services and Clients, WCF Service Libraries, WCF Test Host and Test Client

Using Entity Framework

Generating and Querying an Entity Data Model (EDM).,Querying data using object Services, Customizing the Entity Data Model Describe Protocols for Email, Learn how to Send Mail using ASP.NET, Managing Attachments


Creating MVC Models,Creating a Data Repository,Implementing MVC Controllers,Implementing MVC Views


Describe Protocols for Email, Learn how to Send Mail using Asp.Net, Managing Attachments

Authentication and Authorization

Explain about Authentication and Authorization, Describe Anonymous Authentication, Understand Windows Authentication,Learn how to use Forms Authentication


Managing Web Server (IIS),IIS Express, Deploy ASP.NET Web Application, Copy and Publish Website,ASP.NET Web Hosting

Level ll Advanced ASP. NET. 4.6 Course (using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015)

This module provides an introduction to HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. This module helps students gain basic HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript programming skills. This module is an entry point into both the Web application and Windows Store apps training paths. The module focuses on using HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript to implement programming logic, define and use variables, perform looping and branching, develop user interfaces, capture and validate user input, store data, and create well-structured applications.

Styling and Validation in HTML5 by Using CSS3

Styling Block Elements, CSS3 Attribute Selectors, Enhancing Graphical Effects by Using CSS3,Validating User Input by using HTML5 Attributes and CSS3, CSS3 Transitions on HTML5 Elements.

Advanced JavaScript

Operators, Object Types, JSON Array Objects, Programming the HTML DOM with JavaScript , Validating Input by Using Event Listeners

Advanced Jquery

Jquery CDN Library , Programming the HTML DOM with Jquery

Object oriented programming Using JavaScript

Writing Well-Structured JavaScript , Creating Custom Objects, Extending Objects

Communicating with a Remote Data Source

Sending and Receiving Data by Using XML HTTP Request, Sending and Receiving Data by Using jQuery AJAX.

Creating Interactive Pages using HTML5 APIs

Interacting with Files, Incorporating Multimedia, Reacting to Browser Location and Context

Implementing an Adaptive User Interface

Writing Well-Structured JavaScript , Creating Custom Objects, Extending Objects

Creating Advanced Graphics

Creating Interactive Graphics by Using Scalable Vector Graphics, Programmatically Drawing Graphics by Using a Canvas

Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications (6x6hrs)

In this module, students will learn to develop advanced ASP.NET MVC applications using .NET Framework 4.6 tools and technologies. The focus will be on coding activities that enhance the performance and scalability of the Web site application. ASP.NET MVC will be introduced and compared with Web Forms so that students know when each should/could be used.